Music at the Laughton Ranch

Laughton Ranch 90 Clinton Rd, Jackson, CA

Dinner and music under the stars. Purchase your tickets here:


Rosa-Lucca Estates Tasting Room

Rosa-Lucca Tasting Room 2966 CA Hwy 49, Ste B, Cool, CA

For more information call 916-583-VINO or email

[CANCELED] Broken Horn Brewing

Broken Horn Brewing Company 201 South Mission St., McCall, ID

Old West Trio plays outdoors at the brewery.

[NEW!] Barn Concert

Matlena's Farm 239 Ashton Lane, McCall, ID

A concert in the barn to benefit the ORPHAN GRAIN TRAIN. Suggested donation is $10 per person. Bring a chair and your own beverages or food and enjoy music in the beautiful barn at Matlena's Farm, a piece of McCall history. Doors open at 6:00 p.m. and the music starts at 6:30 p.m.

Concert at Meadow Creek Golf Resort

Meadow Creek Clubhouse New Meadows, ID

Admission includes food and band. Water and lemonade provided; bring any other of your own drinks that you prefer. Dinner starts at 5:30 p.m. and the music goes from 6:30 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. MeadowCreek Golf Resort is located on Highway 95 right on the 45th Parallel (halfway between the Equator and the North Pole)…


Hart2Hart Vineyards & Everhart Cellars

Hart 2 Hart Vineyards and Everhart Cellars 5821 CA State Hwy 49, Pilot Hill, CA

UPDATED INFORMATION (9/13/21): No advanced registration required. Tickets sold at the gate/tasting room as you arrive, until they reach capacity. $10/person, $5 Wine Club members. Papi’s Kitchen food truck will be available from 6-9 p.m., Old West Trio performs from 6:30-9:30 p.m. No outside food or alcohol. Wines by the bottle, hard cider and non-alcoholic…
